March 29, 2025

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How does the body mass index affect health insurance premiums?

2 min read
health insurance premiums

Fitness is the thing that is easily lost by sitting at home for a long time. Many of us lost our fitness at the time of the pandemic. This loss in fitness affects the premium rates of the insurance plans.

How does fitness affect the insurance premium? Do you have any idea about this? This is due to the body mass index of the person. This is why we always suggest you stay fit to save yourself from paying high premium fees.

This article will tell you how BMI affects health insurance policies. First, we start with the basic understanding of BMI.

What is the BMI exactly?

BMI stands for Body Mass Index. The measurement suggests the person’s weight according to their height. According to the general rule, an individual with a high BMI than the normal range is not considered good. You can quickly get more brief information on BMI by consulting with the dietician.

Body mass index calculator

It is easy to use the available Body mass index calculator app that makes the more straightforward calculation. Many insurance companies use the BMI calculator app to calculate the body mass index of a person interested in buying health insurance cover. These apps also highlight the full BMI chart for user reference.

How the BMI affects the health insurance premiums 

After calculating the person’s BMI with the BMI calculator app, the insurance provider can quickly determine the health status of the specific person. Therefore, the BMI acts as the guideline on which the health insurance life premium depends.

The main reason that has come from the side of insurance companies is to support the BMI as a health indicator in a simple way, as follows.

Many insurance companies take it for granted that a policyholder with a higher BMI requires more frequent medical facilities in the future as compared to the average BMI policyholder.

When the insurance companies determine the higher chance of the medical facilities, they will assess the high premium charges on the term insurance plans.

Importance of BMI for term plan

  • Depending upon the BMI calculations, a person is categorized into four categories: overweight, underweight, average weight, and obese.
  • If the person is underweight, then there are more chances of suffering from health issues. In this way, BMI has been widely considered a health risk indicator by insurance providers.
  • People with a higher BMI have a higher chance of suffering from the diseases such as diabetes, cardiac diseases, etc.
  • On the other hand, people with low BMI suffer from malnutrition problems.
  • No insurance provider would like to give the insurance plan to the insurer who is suffering from the above-mentioned problems.
  • This is where the BMI plays an important role in the term insurance policy.


In the end, we would like to say that the BMI calculator tool is used to check the health status as well as to give the issuance of the term insurance plan.

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